Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Magazines: PBE July '12 Review

Magazine: PBE
Covergirl: Lady_Batman


The previous PBE was beautiful! It was creative, the graphics were very professional and stunning, and the writing and fashion was great! It would have been borderline 4/5 stars. But this time around, sadly I must give it a 2 star rating (although it was inbetween 2 and 3) because the graphics were such a let-down! Especially in the hair category. However, I really did love the beauty articles which is why it was close to the average 3 star rating. 

Here are some of the pages:

The proportions and shape are off with the arm, the hair is terrible,
and the clothes is quite bland! Terrible!
I like the design concept and the creativity shown here. I'm
a little bit confused regarding the hair, as with the weird
crooked left leg and the dress needs shading!
I love the design and the creativity  on this one. The pose
is proportional and clean. Not sure what is going on with the
face and hair, though! And the dress is beautiful in design
but needs some more shading.
Overall, I just hope the next issue will come back from this low point and be as good as the stunning April edition. I was really disappointed this time around but still am eager to see the team make a great next issue because from previous editions, I know they have it in them!

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